
Benjamin Malek - T.H.E. Arbitration



Benjamin I. Malek is a Partner at T.H.E. Chambers.  With a distinguished career as an Arbitrator, Benjamin stands at the forefront of international business development and corporate strategy.  His expertise in setting up businesses across diverse legal landscapes, particularly in the United States, Panama, and Belize, has positioned him as a trusted advisor and consultant for companies navigating the complexities of incorporation and strategic growth.

As a multilingual professional fluent in English, Spanish, French, German, and Romanian, Benjamin’s ability to handle matters across various jurisdictions is unparalleled.  His background in common and civil law and his experience in corporate law and arbitration positions him as a versatile and dynamic force in the international business arena.

Benjamin’s experience is not just limited to the legal aspects of business setup.  His strategic insight, honed through his contributions to in-house strategies, is a testament to his comprehensive understanding of business operations.

As a seasoned consultant, Benjamin offers unparalleled outside-hired in-house counsel services.  His role as a strategic advisor to companies seeking legal and regulatory mastery is a testament to his unique approach.  Combining the acumen of a seasoned legal executive with the tailored attention of a dedicated in-house team, Benjamin’s services extend beyond mere legal advice.  He immerses himself in the business culture and operations of his clients, ensuring a holistic understanding of their needs and objectives.  At the heart of Benjamin’s success is his dedication to fostering efficient, compliant, and innovative business environments.  

Companies benefit from Benjamin’s strategic legal planning, risk management, and his ability to act as a bridge between legal requirements and business goals.  His expertise in due diligence, compliance, and business strategy makes him a critical asset for any company looking to strengthen its legal standing.

Benjamin I. Malek’s bio is a testament to his exceptional capabilities and achievements in business establishment and corporate strategy.  His guidance has been instrumental for startups and established corporations, making him an invaluable asset to any enterprise seeking to navigate the global market with confidence and foresight.